Greetings, I am Oldblaccro
I would like to first and foremost thank you for visiting my page. I create I create I create i create! Music has been a big part of my inner-self and in 2021, I decided to dedicate a little more time into letting it flow for all to hear. Again, thanks for visiting my site. I hope you enjoy, share, and continue to listen to what I am creating.
Oldblaccro, a Gary Indiana native, has been in and around music his entire life! He has fond memories over the years of songs like "light my fire" 1968', "shotgun" 1965, "we're a winner" 1968, "I gotta have a song" 1970, "ball of confusion" 1970. Though his parents are not musicians there was lots of music flowing in the home. All types...gloria lynn, fifth dimension, nancy wilson, al green, friends of distinction, jimmy smith's "walk on the wild side" 1962, etc. Classic Rock was a big part of his music life back then. His first purchased music was "superstition" by Stevie Wonder.
I have been a music hobbyist from childhood where as I think about it ..the signs were there for me to be here in this moment. Just to keep this short...it went like this....
Elementary school years for some reason we had a plastic one button chord Magnus organ and I enjoyed playing those simple songs like “Home on the Range”, and “Smile”.
Junior high landed me with a saxophone and the learning process really started. I was playing “Loves Theme” by Barry White thinking I was doing something. By high school we had a full organ in the living room. Don't ask me why or who it was for but I ended up on it! Flash forward to my sax landing me in the high school stage/jazz band (prestigious) which taught me about syncopation and jazz riffs. I had 4 years of two band classes…lots of sax and music theory going on!
Moving on to college, I did not partake in any musical activities. I pretty much shut it down. Lo and behold upon landing my first job (television station) I met a guy who created music for our pledge drives (PBS). I was fascinated with how he used computer software on a Mac (cakewalk) and how great it sounded. That was the spark that got me back into creating. Feeling like I wanted to let everyone know that I had a few skills, I asked if I could borrow his Tascam 4 track mixer. My housemate had a Casio keyboard and I did have my sax with me as well. Soon afterwards I was creating songs mainly just to get some creds from my coworkers who figured I was just talking. (1990) From there I moved up to borrowing other folks keyboard (a better Casio lol) Finally in 1992 I dropped a couple grand to purchase a Technics KN1000. I was always going up to the Kitts Music store to dream about one day having one. That sequencer was my saving grace because I am not trained in anything but I have learned to put tracks together. Just like other artists I'm sure, I have music swirling around in my head all the time. With that keyboard, I had turned into that character on the movie Mo' Better Blues. Nothing else existed once I got locked in. So between 1990 and 1997 I created about 30-40 songs. Needless to say I had to put it to rest around 2000. (a whole bunch of cassette tapes) It had served its purpose! Life happened and once again my musical escapades were on hold. After a log hiatus, in 2018ish I decided to get back to it. I ended up getting a used Korg PA3 and I was back in business. It was a challenge as I was not as sharp as before and the new keyboard was very different from what I had known. I am still discovering all sorts of things with the unit.
Fast forward to 2021 where it just hit me to share what I have been doing over the past 30 years with the world and if i could get some dimes for it...so be it. I had always been interested in the story behind the story of the music business and was curious with the new digital age of distribution and how artist earn royalties nowadays. Therefore I ended up learning about ASCAP, SONGTRUST, SOUNDEXCHANGE, copyright stuff and all things distribution and marketing. It’s so much to take in. Since 2021 I have published my older work (dubbed from cassette tapes) and added about 30 more songs! I'm excited to just learn and as I said before...if some coins fall into the bank that would be great too! All that being said, I hope what I create can provide someone with listening pleasure over and over again.